Master Contract
A master contract is an agreement between the district leadership and the union about the expectations held for classified and certified staff. This can include work hours, pay, and break schedules.
Average annual pay for teachers in Colorado with a master’s degree that teach in districts with a Master Contract is $8,638 higher than the identically qualified teachers that don’t work under a Master Contract.
Average annual pay for teachers in Colorado with a bachelor’s degree that teach in districts with a Master Contract is $2,427 higher than the identically qualified teachers that don’t work under a Master Contract.
With a Master’s Contract you have bargaining power at the table instead of just having a seat at the table with the district and having no say in what they are going to give you as far as raises, benefits.
With a Master Contract you can negotiate plan time, lunches, breaks a better working environment.
Technically, no.
However, the more members in the union, the easier it is to influence what is written into the master contract.
Pay in Garfield Re-2 has ceased to be competitive with the districts around it. A master contract would be a step to help bring Garfield Re-2 back to the same level as the other districts.